Stay in the Know

Stay in the Know

When completed, the Seton Homeowners' Association will be the heart of the community. The 14,000-square-foot facility will have a splash park, hockey rink, tennis courts and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What’s a Homeowners’ Association (HOA)?

    HOAs promote active lifestyles and enhance the quality of life for residents. They do this by offering tailored events and programming for all ages and abilities.

  • What is the role of an HOA?

    The primary role is supporting the operations of the HOA facility, The non-profit organization also takes care of landscaping and maintenance in key areas and supports activities throughout Seton.

  • Your association, your vision

    The Seton HOA fosters community engagement and nurtures a sense of belonging. As a resident, you automatically become a member of the Seton HOA and have the opportunity to volunteer for the Board of Directors.

Seton Community Home Owners Association Map

Seton Homeowners Association team | new homes in Southeast Calgary

Updates and Information

Get construction updates, membership details, information about annual fees and more at the Seton HOA website.

Seton HOA Website